Frequently asked questions

You’ve got questions?

Good. I’ve got answers.

  • My home base in currently central Indiana, but Minnesota will always be home. That's why I'm "located" online. If you're in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Carolina, Vermont, or Virginia, I'm ready to help you live your best life!

  • Online therapy works a lot like Zoom, which you're probably already familiar with. I use a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform called SimplePractice, which supports audio, video, and text therapy to meet your needs. And of course, there's an app, for your convenience.

  • I do not offer in-person sessions. Even prior to the pandemic, I was toying with offering online services, so I was READY for this. I love it and I think you will, too!

  • My intake appointments are $180 and follow-ups are $135. Additional services and their rates are outlined in my intake packet, but chances are you'll only use the intake and follow-up appointments.

  • I offer a free 15 minute chat to get to know each other. Therapy is a great investment and you deserve to feel comfortable with your partner in the process. Intake sessions are a full hour, which gives us time to review your mental and physical health histories as well as your current concerns and symptoms. Intakes kind of feel like a round of 20 questions about your life - you're guaranteed to get every question right!

  • There is no solid answer to this question. You're in control of your care and we'll move at the pace you choose. Typically, meeting weekly in the beginning allows the process to get a "jump-start." Later, as you gain your footing, we'll meet less frequently. Sometimes monthly sessions to touch base make sense during a "maintenance phase." So, yeah, it can be complicated but you don't have to go it alone.

  • According to the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services, describes Good Faith Estimates as "Usually, if you aren’t using health insurance to pay for your care, your health care provider must give you a good faith estimate of expected charges if you request one or schedule services at least 3 business days in advance." It's a requirement of the No Surprises Act and you can read more about it in the footer of this website.

  • Your appointment time is reserved as your investment in yourself and your wellbeing. Cancelling at least 24 hours before the start of your appointment will prevent a no-show fee, which equates to the full fee for the session. You'll get a reminder in advance as reminder, too, which prevents almost all no-show fees.

  • I sure hope so! What I hear from others is that they LOVE not having to take so much time out of their day to attend an appointment. Just imagine the ease of logging on in the comfort of your own space, maybe wearing your most comfy loungewear while sipping a refreshing drink. Fur babies optional, but always welcome.

Ready to get started?

schedule a free, confidentIal consultation.