Therapy for College Students

Online therapy in Indiana & beyond

“This is so much harder than I thought it would be”

“What if my parents find out I’m underperforming?”

“I thought I was ready for college, but now that I’m here, I’m just so homesick.”

Is this you?

I got you.

College can be a challenging experience for students due to a variety of factors. Academic pressure often comes from balancing a heavy workload, meeting deadlines, and striving for good grades, which can be overwhelming. Social adjustment presents its own difficulties, including making new friends, dealing with loneliness, and managing homesickness. Financial stress from tuition fees, living expenses, and student loans adds another layer of strain. Effective time management is crucial yet challenging as students juggle coursework, extracurricular activities, and part-time jobs. Mental health struggles, such as increased stress, anxiety, and depression, are common. Additionally, college is a time of significant personal growth, which involves navigating questions of identity, values, and future goals. The transition to independence and the gap between expectations and reality can also contribute to the overall difficulty of the college experience.

Social Struggles

The freedom of college life can be absolutely intoxicating. Sometimes that’s part of the problem; sometimes too many options leaves you feeling unmoored.

Sorting out your social life can help you feel more like yourself, but more ready to take on the world. Now’s the time to figure out who you want to be. And, we can even help you sort out those delicate roommate conflicts that are creeping up.

Academic challenges

College-level classes can be so HARD! Maybe you kicked ass in high school without ever opening a book. Or maybe you opened ALL the books because you didn’t want to disappoint anyone.

It’s ok that you need a minute to figure this out. College is NOT high school; you need a new set of tools and time to apply your rapidly-developing skill set. Together, we can keep you on track (and keep your parents off your back)..

Adulting Sucks

Ugh. This is not what you thought you signed up for. Running late, missing deadlines, budgeting (money, time, & more); meeting new people; joining new clubs; maybe even a new job? It’s a LOT.

Learning to navigate “having it all” takes some time and some intention. While we can’t freeze the hands of time, we CAN help you dial in to your priorities and finding ways to navigate all the BS of adulting.

I’m here to help with:

+ Relationships

+ Roommate Conflicts

+ Self-esteem

+ Identity

+ Adjusting to what’s new

+ College-Level ADHD

+ Mood & Anxiety

+ Study habits

If you’re ready to…


Stop feeling like you don’t belong


Regain a sense of confidence


Explore the adult-version of yourself


Create a life where YOU are in charge

…then let’s do this.

investing in your own wellbeing can change everything.

Because, at the end of the day: